Forum border issues
A service from the Academy of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart
Does the cosmos have meaning, evolution a goal? Is the freedom of humankind an illusion, God nothing but a product of the brain? Is there a cultural struggle between naturalists and theists?
Fundamentally, but not fundamentalist, forum-grenzfragen discusses such interdisciplinary questions at the borderline between science - philosophy - theology.
Forum border issues offers:
... a comprehensive overview and the opportunity to register your own events.
... current overviews of interdisciplinary press articles (topics)
... book reviews of classics and new releases.
... an extensive database with contributions by renowned, international scientists. Text, audio and video material at a high level.
... Texts and Commentaries on the Important Councils Vatican I and II. Statements by Popes and Bishops. Relevant excerpts from approved catechisms.
... networking opportunities at symposia, but above all through the German network RSNG; Contact with scientists from natural sciences and humanities.
Forum Grenzfragen is offered by the Academy of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and is supervised by Dr. Heinz-Hermann Peitz.