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Websites zum Thema Theolgie und Naturwissenchaften in englischer Sprache
Institutionen und Verbände
ASA - American Scientific Affiliation
Science in a Christian Perspective: The American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) is a fellowship of men and women in science and disciplines that relate to science who share a common fidelity to the Word of God and a commitment to integrity in the practice of science.
BioLogos (union of the Greek terms bios, «life», and logos, «word») is a no-profit Foundation that invites the world to see the harmony between scientific research and Biblical teaching. Among the aims of the Foundation, is to present a credible synthesis between creation and evolution.
CPS - Center for Process Studies (Claremont, USA)
The Center for Process Studies is a faculty center of Claremont School of Theology, and affiliated with Claremont Graduate University. CPS seeks to promote the common good by means of the relational approach found in process thought.
Center of Theological Inquiry (Princeton, USA)
Since its founding in 1978, the Center of Theological Inquiry has dedicated its efforts to revitalizing the human capacity to understand and live by the truth of God's work in the world through Jesus Christ.
Centre for Religion and the Biosciences (Chester, UK)
The Centre is directed by Professor Celia Deane-Drummond and was formally launched by Dr Arthur Peacocke on February 28th 2002. The Centre is unique in the UK in that the staffing of the centre includes five members of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies and five members of the Department of Biological Sciences.
CTNS — The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (Berkeley, USA)
The mission of CTNS is to promote the creative mutual interaction between theology and the natural sciences. CTNS is an international non-profit membership organization dedicated to research, teaching and public service. It focuses on the relation between the natural sciences including physics, cosmology, evolutionary and molecular biology, as well as technology and the environment, and Christian theology and ethics. As an Affiliate of the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, California, CTNS offers courses at the doctoral and seminary levels in order to bring future clergy and faculty to a greater awareness of this important interdisciplinary work.
ESSSAT - European Society for the Study of Science and Theology
ESSSAT is a scholarly, non-confessional organization, based in Europe, which aims to promote the study of relationships between the natural sciences and theological views. ESSSAT has members from almost every European country as well as members from other continents. They have different confessional backgrounds, and may include believers as well as non-believers and atheists. As scientists, theologians, philosophers and historians they work on a better understanding of the interactions between two of the most powerful human pursuits, namely religion and science.
Faraday Institute for Science and Religion (Cambridge, UK)
The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion is an interdisciplinary research enterprise based at St Edmund's College, Cambridge. In addition to academic research, the Institute engages in the public understanding of science and religion by means of Courses, Conferences, Lectures, Seminars and the Media.
Giffordlectures (UK)
The online Gifford Lectures database presents a comprehensive collection of books derived from the Gifford Lectures. In addition to the books, the Web site contains biographies of each lecturer as well as a summary of the lecture or book. The Web site also contains a biography of Adam Lord Gifford, a copy of his will bequeathing money to each of the four major Scottish universities to hold the lectures, a brief description of natural theology, an introduction to each of the four universities, and news about upcoming Gifford-related events.
Ian Ramsey Centre (Oxford, UK)
The Ian Ramsey Centre is part of the Theology Faculty in the University of Oxford. It has the special aim of promoting high quality teaching and research in the exciting field of science and religion. Within the University the Centre runs a regular seminar series bringing scientists, philosophers and theologians together to explore interests they have in common. The seminars are open to graduate students and are attended by informed members of the public. The Centre also sponsors regional conferences to encourage new networks through which connections between theology and the sciences can be explored. International workshops are organised to enhance the quality of courses on science and religion that are taught worldwide.
IRAS - Institute on Religion in an Age of Science
Working for a dynamic and positive relationship between religion and science since 1954.Each year IRAS holds a week-long conference on Star Island, 10 miles off the coast of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Topics are selected to be relevant to current scientific thinking and to fundamental religious questions.
ISSR - International Society for Science and Religion
Leading scientists and theologians of the world's major religions founded a high-powered international organization with the goal of bridging the gap between their disciplines. The International Society for Science and Religion took shape after a four-day conference in Granada, Spain, which until the late 15th century was the center of peaceful discourse between scholars of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The ISSR is patterned after the Royal Society of London for the Promotion of Natural Knowledge.
John Templeton Foundation
The mission of the John Templeton Foundation is to pursue new insights at the boundary between theology and science through a rigorous, open-minded and empirically focused methodology, drawing together talented representatives from a wide spectrum of fields of expertise. Using "the humble approach," the Foundation typically seeks to focus the methods and resources of scientific inquiry on topical areas which have spiritual and theological significance ranging across the disciplines from cosmology to healthcare. In the human sciences, the foundation supports programs, competitions, publications, and studies that promote character education and the exploration of positive values and purpose across the lifespan. It supports free enterprise education and development internationally through the Templeton Freedom Awards, new curriculum offerings, and other programs that encourage free-market principles.
Life beyond our planet?
Topic of an interdisciplinary research project situated at the University of Bern, Switzerland. Scientists, philosophers and theologians are involved.
Metanexus Institute (Philadelphia, USA)
The Metanexus Institute advances research, education and outreach on the constructive engagement of science and religion. We seek to create an enduring intellectual and social movement by collaborating with persons and communities from diverse religious traditions and scientific disciplines.
StrangeNotions.com is the central place of dialogue between Catholics and atheists. It’s built around three things: Reason. Faith. Dialogue. Each day you’ll find articles, videos, and rich comment box discussion concerning life’s Big Questions.
The Vatican Observatory Research Group (Castel Gandolfo, Italy)
The Vatican Observatory, one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world, has its headquarters at the papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, outside Rome. Its dependent research center, the Vatican Observatory Research Group, is hosted by Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA.
ZCRS - Zygon Center for Religion and Science (Chicago, USA)
The Zygon Center is housed at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC). We sponsor two courses per year offered by LSTC, the long-running Advanced Seminar in Religion and Science (since 1965) and the Epic of Creation (since 1989). We also have sponsored many conferences and symposia. The purpose of our programs is to enhance the dialogue between religion and science. Information about our courses, programs, and publications can be found on the website.
The Polanyi Society
The Polanyi Society is a scholarly organization whose members are interested in the thought of Michael Polanyi, a scientist and philosopher who lived from 1891 to 1976.
John Charlton Polkinghorne (Official Site)
John Polkinghorne is one of the greatest living writers and thinkers on science and religion: a truly world-class scientist turned priest, currently one of two Reverends FRS (the other is the statistician Bernard Silverman) and one of only three Reverends KBEs.
God & Nature Magazine
God & Nature is a semi-annual online magazine offering essays and artwork by scientists, scholars, pastors, students, and lay persons around the world on special topics in science and Christian faith.
While much of the public conversation on religion and science orbits contentious issues like the evolution/creation debates, God & Nature magazine provides a forum where other ideas and questions can be explored in depth, by many different voices occupying many different positions.
G&N is published by the American Scientific Affiliation (ASA), founded in 1941 as an international network of Christians in the sciences.
Science & Christian Belief
Science & Christian Belief is a journal concerned with the interactions of science and religion, with particular reference to Christianity. It was founded in 1989, published by Paternoster Periodicals and is sponsored by Christians in Science and the Victoria Institute. There are two Issues per year published on 15 April and 15 October. A distinguished Editorial Board represents the broad multi-disciplinary interests of the journal.
Theology & Science
Theology and Science is the scholarly journal of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences and is published by Routledge. The primary editorial goal of Theology and Science is to publish critically reviewed articles that promote the creative mutual interaction between the natural sciences and theology. While the journal assumes the integrity of each domain, its primary aim is to explore this interaction in terms of the implications of the natural sciences for constructive research in philosophical and systematic theology, the philosophical and theological elements within and underlying theoretical research in the natural sciences, and the relations and interactions between theological and scientific methodologies. The secondary editorial goal is to monitor and critically assess debates and controversies arising in the broader field of science and religion. Thus, Theology and Science investigates, analyzes, and reports on issues as they arise with the intention of prompting further academic discussion of them.
Zygon Journal of Religion and Science
Zygon® focuses on the questions of meaning and values that challenge individual and social existence today. It brings together the best thinking of the day from the physical, biological, and social sciences with ideas from philosophy, theology, and religious studies. The journal's contributors seek to keep united what may often become disconnected: values with knowledge, goodness with truth, religion with science.
Counterbalance Foundation Meta-Library
Welcome to the Counterbalance Interactive Library, offering new views on complex issues from science, ethics, philosophy, and religion. Here you'll find extensive resources on the evolution/creation controversy, biomedical ethical challenges, and much more.
Interdisciplinary Encyclopaedia of Religion and Science
This Interdisciplinary Encyclopaedia is intended to provide new scholarly articles in the rapidly-growing international field of Religion and Science. These articles were written primarily by European authors and are available here for the first time in English translation. They offer a unique window into the approaches and perspectives of the European community towards what has become a field of immense cultural significance throughout the world. Each article provides a very readable and comprehensive summary of what is currently being discussed in religion and science on a specific topic as well as how these topics were discussed historically.